English version below

EQ : Êtes-vous de type sucré ou salé?
Tel que mentionné dans mon intro : accro au chocolat ! Mais j’avoue que je crée souvent l’équilibre « un peu de sucré/un peu de salé ». Surtout s’il y a des Doritos pas loin.
EQ : Racontez un fait cocasse lié à votre pratique (par exemple dégât majeur, test ou prototype qui a fini en catastrophe)
Étonnement, pas de gaffe majeure, mais je pense à mon mari, lors d’un marché de Noël. En voulant m’aider et réécrire un prix sur une petite ardoise, il a dévissé le crayon à craie plutôt que de tirer sur le bouchon…et a éclaboussé tout mon présentoir de boucles sur élastique à cheveux. Je n’ai pas vendu d’élastique ce jour-là ! Haha !
EQ : Quel conseil auriez-vous aimé recevoir à vos débuts?
Peut-être que mieux structurer son temps serait un bon conseil. Avec mon p’tit côté artiste, je m’éparpille facilement. Je pense qu’avant d’avoir les 2 pieds dedans, on ne sait pas à quel point la charge de travail derrière un produit peut être grande. La recherche de matériaux, les photos, la mise en ligne, etc. Sinon, je le referais dans la même optique : Sans attente particulière, m’amuser et offrir des produits qui me ressemblent.

Caroline is an endearing creator who started her business by hosting fun workshops for young people, and the young at heart. La P’tite mère progressed to touch all hearts : inspiring jewellery, and fashion accessories are celebrated in her shop.
EQ: Tell us a bit about yourself.
Hello! I’m Caro, 32 years old, mom of 3 children. I was a hairdresser/colourist for 12 years (I’ve now hung up my scissors and brushes!), I like words, I’m often spontaneous, sometimes daydreaming, and addicted to chocolate. I’m also the creator and owner behind La P’tite Mère.

EQ: What do you create? Tell us about your work.
I make fabric bows in different formats; nylon headbands, mini clips, crocodile clips, and hair elastics. I also make clip on bow ties.
For women, I make faux suede necklaces, braided by hand, that can be worn in several ways (necklace, bracelet, headband). Over time, a collection of minimalist stainless steel necklaces with inspiring and motivating charms (some with my words) was born and grew slowly, but surely.
EQ : How did you get the idea to start your business?
I’ve been creating...since forever. For me, my family, my friends, and now that I’m a mom, of course for my children. During the hair styling “parent and child" workshops that I hosted, I offered participants the headbands that I first made for my hypersensitive daughter. Then, the barrettes that I made when she was a baby, came back. A fan of “Made in Québec", I ended up saying to myself, “Why not me?”, and so I embarked on the project!
EQ : What material do you use the most?
I use faux suede, stainless steel, and fabric (generally cotton). I also use recycled fabrics, to give them a second life. I also have some excellent collaborations with other creators from here, like Betty & Billy, and Fait par une maman, in the aim to reduce unused fabric waste. I make them into pretty bows. ☺
EQ : What three words best describe your business?
Practical, colourful, positive.
EQ : What or who inspires you?
My life as a mom, as a woman, the women around me, and of course, my children!
EQ : If you had to pick only one of your products to make for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
Good question...I really love each of my products, and I like diversity. Maybe a necklace with a motivating/positive charm engraved with my words. I think of my new charm on which the words “Passion, Engagement, Dévouement” are written on the front, and on the back it reads “Faire la différence”.
EQ : Do you have children or pets? Tell us about them.
I have 3 beautiful children. A beautiful 7 year old brunette, and 2 redheads who are 5 1/2 and 3 years old. Frankly, having 3 children in 3 1/2 years keeps you busy. That must be why we were bored last year (!), so we adopted mister Ernest, a magnificent poodle who just turned one year old.
EQ : Do you have any habits when you create?
Other than talking to myself out loud from time to time, I’d say no!
EQ : What is you favorite Etsy shop of the moment?
There are too many! But I admit that for the comfort and quality, as much as for me and my kids, I’d buy everything from the shop Fait par une maman.
EQ : Share a surprising fact about yourself.
I took a hairdressing course in London (it was my dream at the time), I’m a huge klutz (recently, I cooked a telephone at the same time as my dinner), and I imitate Marc Labrèche perfectly.
EQ : Describe your workspace (clean or messy, etc).
My studio is located in the basement, in my laundry room. I’d say it’s tidy 1 out of 5 times. I often move my studio to the dining room, it’s a question of working in daylight while keeping an eye on my kids. (Especially when the little one is napping, I’d rather be close to him. What do you want, I’m just a mom!)

EQ : Is there a specific moment in the day when you often get creative ideas?
My brain is always boiling with ideas. An idea can pop up while I’m making lunch for a child, while making modelling clay, while talking with someone, or before going to bed. I think I even have ideas while sleeping.
EQ : Do you work best alone or in a team?
I create and generally work alone, but I love to exchange and work with others, if the occasion presents itself.
EQ : Do you work better at home or outside?
Definitely at home.
EQ : Do you work in the day, evening, night?
All of the above? With 3 children who don’t go to daycare, or a school daycare, I take advantage of ALL the little moments that I can! ;) Long live coffee!
EQ : Do you create in silence or with music? What kind of music do you listen to? Unless you prefer to watch videos or Netflix?
Again, all of the above?! It depends on the time of day, my mood, what I create. I can get lost in my mind in total silence, listening to good old alternative hits from the 90s, or even classical music. I’ve been a fan of Coldplay since forever. When I sew, I go more for Netflix. By the way, I’ve just finished watching Friends for the 121,564th time.
EQ : Which is your favorite, sweet or savory?
As mentioned in my intro : addicted to chocolate! But I admit that I often create a balance of a “bit of sweet/a bit of savory”. Especially if there are Doritos nearby.
EQ : Tell us an anecdote about your work.
Surprisingly, no major blunders, but my husband during a Christmas market comes to mind. In wanting to help me and rewrite a price on a small slate, he unscrewed the chalk pen, rather than pulling on the cap….and it splattered all over my display of bow hair elastics. I didn't sell any hair elastics that day! Haha!
EQ : What advice do you wish you had received when you first started out?
Maybe organizing time better would be good advice. With my artistic side, I spread myself out too easily. I think before having 2 feet in, we don’t know how big the workload behind a product can really be. Researching materials, taking photos, uploading, etc. Otherwise, I’d redo it with the same view: without any specific expectation, having fun, and offering products that reflect me.